Jun 3, 2024

Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning

Panorama vs Maro: What’s the Difference for Social-Emotional Learning?

Panorama vs Maro: What’s the Difference for Social-Emotional Learning?


In the realm of K-12 education, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) has become a cornerstone for fostering well-rounded, resilient students. Two prominent platforms, Panorama Education and Maro, offer robust solutions for integrating SEL into school curriculums. While both platforms aim to enhance student well-being and academic performance, they differ significantly in their approach and features. This article explores these differences to help K-12 district leaders make informed decisions about which platform best suits their needs.

Overview of Panorama Education

Panorama Education is widely recognized for its comprehensive data analytics and SEL assessment tools. The platform provides educators with detailed insights into students' social-emotional competencies, helping schools tailor interventions and track progress over time.

Key Features:

  • SEL Assessments: Panorama offers a suite of assessments that measure students' SEL skills, providing data to inform teaching strategies and interventions.

  • Data Analytics: The platform excels in data analysis, offering visual dashboards that help educators understand trends and outcomes at both individual and group levels.

  • Professional Development: Panorama also provides resources for teacher training, focusing on how to interpret SEL data and integrate findings into daily teaching practices.

Overview of Maro

Maro takes a more holistic and clinically-oriented approach to SEL, combining assessment with direct interventions and support. Developed with input from clinical psychologists, Maro’s platform not only assesses SEL competencies but also provides targeted mental health support and resources.

Key Features:

  • Clinically-Backed Assessments: Maro’s assessments are designed with clinical oversight, offering a deeper dive into the mental health aspects of SEL.

  • Integrated Support Services: Unlike Panorama, Maro provides direct access to mental health professionals and personalized support plans, making it a more interventionist tool.

  • Parent and Community Engagement: Maro emphasizes the role of the wider community in SEL, offering tools for parent engagement and education about mental health.

Comparing Approaches to SEL

The fundamental difference between Panorama and Maro lies in their approach to managing and supporting SEL in schools:

  • Assessment vs. Intervention: Panorama focuses more on the assessment and ongoing monitoring of SEL competencies, making it ideal for schools that need robust data to guide their SEL initiatives. In contrast, Maro offers a more integrated approach, with assessments that are directly tied to interventions and support, suited for schools looking for comprehensive mental health solutions.

  • Data-Driven vs. Clinically-Informed: Panorama’s strength is in its data-driven insights that allow for targeted educational strategies, whereas Maro’s strength lies in its clinical basis, offering therapeutic insights and interventions based on psychological principles.

  • Scope of Services: Panorama is primarily an educational tool, enhancing educators' ability to implement SEL effectively. Maro, on the other hand, extends beyond the classroom to involve families and mental health professionals, aiming for a community-wide impact on student well-being.


Choosing between Panorama and Maro for Social-Emotional Learning depends largely on the specific needs and goals of a school district. If the priority is detailed SEL assessment and data analytics to inform educational practices, Panorama Education is a strong choice. However, if a district seeks a more comprehensive approach that includes direct mental health interventions and broader community involvement, Maro may be the better option. Both platforms offer unique strengths that can significantly enhance SEL and student well-being, making them valuable additions to any educational strategy focused on nurturing resilient, emotionally intelligent students.

Panorama vs Maro: What’s the Difference for Social-Emotional Learning?

Panorama vs Maro: What’s the Difference for Social-Emotional Learning?